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Heart Of A Hero (DVD)
Provident Films
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Twelve-year old Trey Caldwell (Nathan Gamble of Dolphin Tale) is shattered after the death of his father, leaving a hole in the boy's life - and an unfinished Soap Box Derby car in the garage. A final gift from his dad, the car, is a constant reminder of all that could have been. But when Trey meets Roy Gibbs, a grizzled fire chief hurting from his own losses, a new relationship forms and old wounds finally begin to heal. As the unlikely duo work to complete the soap box car and train for the upcoming derby, they learn that life isn't about starting line or chequered flag - it's about having the courage to make an incredible journey of faith in between. Also starring Raplh Waite (The Waltons), Maureen Flannigan (7th Heaven) and Bailee Madison (Bridge to Terabith). Featuring music by Grammy award winners, Third Day and Brandon Heath.
Sprache: Englisch

- Englisch
- Französisch
- Schwedisch
- Norwegisch

CHF   32.00
(inkl. MWSt.)
2 Tage Lieferfrist

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